
Soccer legend Siyabonga Nomvethe signs new contract!

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Soccer legend Siyabonga Nomvethe, who's about to show his off-the-field skills. Photo by Gallo Images
Soccer legend Siyabonga Nomvethe, who's about to show his off-the-field skills. Photo by Gallo Images

HE'S celebrated as a legendary soccer star, renowned for his exceptional dribbling skills.

Now, he's set to reveal a talent previously unknown to Mzansi.

Former Bafana Bafana star Siyabonga "Bhele" Nomvethe has embarked on a new journey as an actor, joining the cast of Uzalo.

Insiders confirmed Nomvethe has signed a contract and will soon grace our TV screens.

"We were all shocked when we saw Nomvethe on set. We didn't know he was joining us. At first, when we saw him in the studio, we thought he was visiting someone. The next thing, he was in front of cameras, shooting some of the scenes. We were stunned. Working alongside a global legend like him is truly remarkable," said a fellow actor, noting that Nomvethe had already started filming.

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Another source disclosed that Nomvethe's role in Uzalo is set for a year, where he'll collaborate with Njinji (played by Thembi Nyandeni) in coaching her soccer team.

"It's moments like these that make me cherish my job even more. To work with legends, I've admired on TV and have achieved greatness in their careers is thrilling," said the source.

"Nomvethe is incredibly humble and eager to learn. We're honoured to have him."

When approached for comment, Nomvethe directed inquiries to Uzalo, preferring not to discuss specifics of his contract with the production.

The SABC1 soapies' spokeswoman Nomfundo Zondi confirmed the addition of new faces to the production.

"Among the newcomers are individuals who are well-known in the sports arena. The soccer team storyline will introduce popular and exciting characters," Zondi said.

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